Pilnīga dūmu ventilācijas sistēma atbilstoši Eiropas EN prasībām

  • Atveras par 90° 60 sekunžu laikā

  • Izskatās kā standarta VELUX jumta logi, kad iebūvēti jumtā

  • Pieejams ar dubulto vai trīskāršo stikla paketi

  • Komforta režīma ventilācija iespējama, nospiežot tikai vienu pogu. Lietus sensors pieejams.

  • Pilnīga vadības sistēma vienam logam vai logu grupām

Dūmu lūka slīpiem jumtiem

Loga tips:  Produkta kods:  Paskaidrojums:  EN sertificēts: 
GGL ---- 306640 Koks ar trīskāršu stikla paketi EN 12101-2
GGL ---- 307340 Koks ar divkāršu stikla paketi EN 12101-2
GGU ---- 006640 Poliuretāns ar trīskāršu stikla paketi EN 12101-2
GGU ---- 007340 Poliuretāns ar divkāršu stikla paketi EN 12101-2

Pilnībā automatizēta
dūmu ventilācijas
sistēma jebkuram projektam

Izpēti vairāk 

Vadības sistēmas pārskats -
ko tā dara un kam tā piemērota

Vadības sistēma KFX 210

Pilnīga vadības sistēma
līdz 4 GGL/GGU
dūmu lūkām vai 1 CSP
dūmu lūka plakanam jumtam.
Ietver: KFC 210 +
KFK 100 + KFA 100

    Vadības bloks KFC 210
  • 10 A.
  • Regulē līdz pat 4 GGL/
    GGU dūmu lūkas vai 1 CSP
    dūmu lūku plakanam jumtam.
    Vadības bloks KFC 220
  • 2 x 10 A
  • Regulē līdz pat 8 GGL/
    GGU dūmu lūkas vai 2 CSP
    dūmu lūkas plakanam jumtam.
    Avārijas poga ar sasitamu stiklu KFK 100 
  • Avārijas poga ar sasitamu stiklu,
    lai aktivizētu
    dūmu ventilācijas
    Komforta slēdzis KFK 200 
  • Sienas slēdzis,
    kas ieslēdz dabīgu
    ikdienas komfortam.
     Dūmu detektors KFA 100 
  • Dūmu detektors
    agrīnai uguns
     Lietus sensors KLA 200
  • Aizver logu
    komforta ventilācijas
    režīmā, kad sāk līt.
  • Tiek anulēts ugunsgrēka gadījumā.
Dūmu ventilācijas sistēma

Piemērojams, kur ir nepieciešama dūmu ventilēšana.

Dūmu lūkas kāpnēm
Dūmu lūkas birojos un sabiedriskajās ēkās
Biroji un sabiedriskās ēkas
Dūmu lūkas rūpnīcās

Rūpnīcas un noliktavas

Jautājumi un atbildes (FAQ)

Dūmu lūkas slīpiem jumtiem

Izpēti vairāk

Dūmu ventilācija

  • EN 12101-2 ir Eiropas produktu standarts par dabīgo dūmu un karstuma ventilāciju
  • No 2006. gada 1. septembra visām dabīgām dūmu un karstuma ventilācijas iekārtām, t.i. dūmu lūkām, jābūt CE marķētām un jāatbilst Eiropas standartam EN 12101-2.
  • EN 12101-10 ir Eiropas produktu standarts: "Dūmu un karstuma kontroles sistēmas - enerģijas padeve"
  • Visi VELUX enerģijas padeves produkti dūmu lūkām atbilst  EN 12101-10.
  • The natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilator should be classified in regards to:
    1. Reliability: A requirement for the number of cycles the ventilator can operate safely
    2. Snow load: A requirement for the maximum snow load to ensure full function
    3. Low temperature: A requirement for the minimum room temperature to ensure function
    4. Wind load: A rzequirement for the maximum wind suction that the ventilator can withstand without compromising the function
    5. Heat exposure: A requirement for the temperature, under which the ventilator will maintain its function during 30 minutes of heat exposure
    6. Aerodynamic free area: A requirement for efficiency of the ventilator for all wind direction
    7. The certification tests must be carried out by a certified test institute
  • Window and smoke ventilation operator must be tested and certified as one unit
  • The certification must be made by a notified certification agency 
  • The natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilator must be CE marked and the certification values must be displayed at the product
  • The standard lays out requirements for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators independent of whether they are placed in sloped or flat roofs.
  • VELUX smoke ventilation windows are CE marked and have been tested in regards to the parameters of EN 12101-2 
  • All VELUX smoke ventilation products are updated in accordance with the harmonized standards in the EN 12101 series regarding smoke and heat control as soon as the standards come into force
  • A product for natural smoke and heat ventilation cannot be CE-marked if it has not been classified in compliance with the EN 12101-2 product standard
  • A declaration of conformity is delivered with VELUX smoke ventilation windows which includes the certification values
  • A VELUX smoke ventilation window including wind deflector should be used when there are requirements for an aerodynamic free area


  • A VELUX smoke ventilation window (excluding wind deflector), should be used when there are requirements for a geometric area of ventilation


  • A VELUX control system for simultaneous operation of up to four smoke ventilation windows or linked with more VELUX control units KFC 210/220
  • Or any control system for smoke ventilation that is applicable and approved for use with VELUX GGL/GGU smoke ventilation windows
  • VELUX smoke ventilation windows are delivered in several VELUX standard sizes enabling correct specification for a variety of applications (adapt to local offerings)
  • A choice can be made between pinewood finish and white polyurethane finish
  • The centre-pivot symmetry at a 90° opening angle makes the effectiveness more even, meaning that the centre-pivot roof window allows for an effective smoke and heat exhaust independent of the wind direction. This means that a wind sensor is not necessary and that only one VELUX smoke ventilation window often is enough to meet the demand.
  • According to the EN 12101-2 product standard, the effectiveness of the natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilator must be measured under wind exposure from different angles
  • Yes: VELUX smoke ventilation windows have passed the requirements of the reliability test in the EN 12101-2 standard, which requires that the window can operate more than 10.000 cycles
  • For comfort ventilation, the window opens up to max. 200 mm (recommended) , making it compliant also to the safety standard EN 60335-2-103
  • The characteristics of the centre-pivot window in relation to comfort are favourable since the sash in a comfort-opened window protects against rain, falling leaves etc.
  • A VELUX control system (KFX 210) can be used to operate up to 4 smoke ventilation windows, giving a possibility to create a smoke geometric area of 6-5 m2 or an aerodynamic free area of almost 3 m2.
  • More control units (KFC 210/220) can be linked to operate up to 80 VELUX smoke ventilation windows, if required.
  • An integrated battery back-up in the control system means that the system will still respond for 72 hours in the event of power failure
  • The VELUX smoke ventilation window is installed in roofs with pitches between 15-90°. For roof pitches between 60-90° special requirements may apply. Please check your local requirements.
  • For a quick and easy installation, the compact smoke ventilation operator has been pre-mounted on the sash of the roof window, making it invisible when the window is closed
  • Two discrete gas springs are easily mounted on the window to enable a stable and fast opening
  • A wind deflector is installed depending on the application
  • In case of defect, the VELUX smoke ventilation operators can be replaced.
  • Yes: The VELUX smoke ventilation system can be controlled by an external alarm system
  • A module for connection to external alarm systems is included in the control units KFC 210/220
  • VELUX also provides assistance with system installation, commissioning and annual servicing (adapt to local offerings)
  • The VELUX smoke ventilation system is a very flexible and cost efficient solution suited for a variety of applications, ranging from staircases in apartment buildings to large commercial buildings
  • VELUX smoke ventilation solutions are effective in all roof window applications, providing great flexibility in positioning the window on the roof
  • Information on the performance must be indicated on the products itself and on the accompanying CE declaration or certificate for compliance
  • The CE marking ensures that the performance can easily be compared
  • Compliance with EN 12101-2 can be obtained only when the products are labelled with a reference to the standard, and the version of the standard used for certification is written on the product
  • A VELUX smoke ventilation window excluding wind deflector is used when legal requirements for smoke ventilation address only the geometric area
  • The smoke ventilation windows can be installed in roofs with pitches between 15 and 90°.
  • In flat roofs 0-15°, the windows are installed using a VELUX ECX flat roof curb or a VELUX CSP flatroof smoke ventilation window is used.